Episode 103

The Mead House
The Mead House
Episode 103

This episode is sponsored by Chrissie Zaerpoor, author of The Art of Mead Tasting and Food Pairing. A 5 star culinary journey around the world pairing good food with good mead. Get your copy today at meadandfood.com.

Home meadmaker and martial arts instructor Jonny Sinwali stops by the Mead House to talk about his braggot experiment he worked on. With honey prices increasing, the crew talks about a way to stretch your honey out with session meads, and we round out the show with some Facebook friends.

Be sure and reserve a spot for the Iron Bee! When you register, create a dummy/placeholder entry. Space is extremely limited and this will reserve your spot and prompt us to send you the secret ingredient. You must be a Keyholder club member to enter the Iron Bee. Sign up and get some great gifts!

Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!



Episode 102

The Mead House
The Mead House
Episode 102

This episode is sponsored by Chrissie Zaerpoor, author of The Art of Mead Tasting and Food Pairing. A 5 star culinary journey around the world pairing good food with good mead. Get your copy today at meadandfood.com.

Chrissie Zearpoor stops by the Mead House and by request, pairs meads with foods offered by JD, Jeff and Ryan. Chrissie also talks about the strategy of pairing meads, and why it is so difficult to pair beer and wine, yet so easy to pair meads. Do you cheat at making mead? Ryan leads a discussion about what some consider cheating in making mead, but is it really?

Be sure and reserve a spot for the Iron Bee! When you register, create a dummy/placeholder entry. Space is extremely limited and this will reserve your spot and prompt us to send you the secret ingredient. You must be a Keyholder club member to enter the Iron Bee. Sign up and get some great gifts!

Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!
Become a Patron!

Supporting products mentioned in this episode:

O’Connors Homebrew Supply
Cascade Beer Candi Company
Omega Yeast
The Art of Mead Tasting and Food Pairing


Episode 101

The Mead House
The Mead House
Episode 101

In this episode, author Jereme Zimmerman joins us for a chat about his two books, Make Mead Like a Viking, and Brew Beer Like a Yeti. Wild yeast, archaeology, and brewing alcoholic beverages from ancient times. Ryan highlights a few sponsors who have come aboard for the Iron Bee, Jeff leads a discussion on where to look for inspiration for the secret ingredient, plus, Ryan & Jeff review one of JD’s meads, the Blackberry/Cherry Port mead! Facebook friends fills in the last segment, and be sure and get your dummy entry made on the Iron Bee competition page.

Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!

Become a Patron!

Products mentioned in this episode:

Mountain Rose Herbs
Make Mead Like A Viking
Brew Beer Like a Yeti

Episode 100

The Mead House
The Mead House
Episode 100

This episode celebrates our 100th show in this special 2 hour episode with a little fun and a look back over several years worth of shows. Thank you to all our former co-hosts and a special thank you to all our past guests who have come through the doors here at Mead House. We look forward to another 100 episodes packed with interviews with industry professionals, medal winning meadmakers, and home meadmakes alike. We do have a very special announcement near the end of the show, so you’ll want to listen for it!

Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift.  Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!

Mead House Iron Bee

Become a Patron!

Episode 99

The Mead House
The Mead House
Episode 99

Perpetual starters and holiday inspirations starts off this episode. JD leads a discussion about keeping and feeding a starter for future batches, then moves to holiday spices, adjuncts and ideas for inspirational brews. Jeff finds himself in a conundrum with a root beer stout idea. We acknowledge several Facebook fans, and tackle some questions posted in various Facebook mead groups.

Thanks for listening! Rate us 5 stars on your favorite listening player or iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Tune In Radio, or wherever you pick up the podcast from!

Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing and This month we’re giving away a hard bound copy of Chrissie Zaerpoor’s book, “The Art of Mead Tasting & Food Pairing.” Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!

Become a Patron!

Products mentioned on this episode:

Dutch Gold Honey
Omega Yeast 
White Labs Yeast
Mountain Rose Herbs


Episode 98

The Mead House
The Mead House
Episode 98

Micro mead making is the topic of our interview with John Duncan, and experienced mead maker doing meads in quart sized mason jars. Michigan Mead Cup is right around the corner, Gail Milburn tells us all about it, and JD sits down with Tom Repas to discuss a trial he did using various clearing and fining agents. The crew tackles a few questions from our Facebook friends.

Thanks for listening! Rate us 5 stars on your favorite listening player or iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Tune In Radio, or wherever you pick up the podcast from!

Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing and This month we’re giving away a hard bound copy of Chrissie Zaerpoor’s book, “The Art of Mead Tasting & Food Pairing.” Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!

Become a Patron!

Products mentioned in this episode:

Omega Yeast 

Here is the Port Mead project JD was referring to on the podcast.

Episode 97

The Mead House
The Mead House
Episode 97

“Flavors you get from oak are dependent on temperatures you toast”…Len Napolitano from The Barrel Mill is our guest this episode. Oak spirals are slowly taking the place of oak barrels, and can often be used in older barrels to help the process along, Len tells us why that is and some techniques for oaking your mead. Also in this episode, what considerations are you giving to your recipe creation? The guys discuss things such as yeast, tannins, fruits and more. A few Facebook Friends questions rounds out the episode.

Thanks for listening! Rate us 5 stars on your favorite listening player or iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Tune In Radio, or wherever you pick up the podcast from!

Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing and This month we’re giving away a hard bound copy of Chrissie Zaerpoor’s book, “The Art of Mead Tasting & Food Pairing.” Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!

Become a Patron!

Products mentioned in this episode;

The Barrel Mill
Dutch Gold Honey


Episode 96

The Mead House
The Mead House
Episode 96

Ryan goes on the road with the Mead House mic and visits with Nate Tietge, owner of Dead Bee Meadery.  In the mean time, JD and Jeff have plans for a bourbon barrel, and Ryan decides he wants to look at a solera project with a fresh oak barrel. A few shout outs to some facebook friends, and the show wraps with our next guest list for episode 97, The Barrel Mill.

Thanks for listening! Rate us 5 stars on your favorite listening player or iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Tune In Radio, or wherever you pick up the podcast from!

Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing and This month we’re giving away a Mountain Rose Herbs gift basket. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!

Become a Patron!

Products Mentioned:

Dutch Gold Honey
The Barrel Mill
White Labs Yeast

Episode 95

The Mead House
The Mead House
Episode 95

In this episode, John Aitchison visits the Mead House. John has been the past president, vice-president and Grand Hydrometer of the nation’s oldest homebrew club, Maltose Falcons in Woodland Hills, California. A master mead maker, he’s brewed everything from guajilla blossom honey from West Texas to lahua blossom honey from Hawaii. He shares a few tidbits from his past, and gives some great advice.

Shortcuts, tips, cleanup, things that make brewing easier, less messy and efficient. Jeff leads a discussion on some tips, including papering your counter tops so when the honey drips, all you have to do is throw away the paper!

Thanks for listening! Rate us 5 stars on your favorite listening player or iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Tune In Radio, or wherever you pick up the podcast from!

Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing and This month we’re giving away a Mountain Rose Herbs gift basket. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House.

Become a Patron!

Episode 94

The Mead House
The Mead House
Episode 94

In this episode, we discuss the one thing that may make the difference between a flat, flabby ho-hum watery mead, and a well balanced mouth-watering mead…tannin. Probably the most overlooked aspect of mead making, tannin provides the mouthfeel that sets apart good meads from not so good ones.

It’s competition time, JD sat with several contest coordinators and got the low-down on a few competitions on the horizon.

We also touch a bit on freeze distilling, and what can be done with a distilled mead.

Upcoming Competitions:

Orpheus Meadfest
Byggvir’s Big Beer Cup

Products Mentioned in this episode:

Dutch Gold Honey
Omega Yeast

Thanks for listening and making The Mead House the most listened to mead podcast! Be sure and rate us 5 stars on your favorite listening player, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, and Tune In Radio! Be sure and sign up on Patreon and help support The Mead House too!

Become a Patron!