Kiley Gwynn returns to the Mead House and the group talks about herbs & spices, the MVP contest at Iron Bee, and JD asks her for a top 5 list of herbs and spices to use in a mead, you might be surprised by a couple of them. Canadian listener, Scotty McIrnerey, joins the show in segment 2 and talks with JD about making fig meads. Ryan and JD have a couple RyanBraggots brewing with similar ingredients, Ryan has an unusual twist to his though.
Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!
If you’re looking to volunteer at the Iron Bee, please register at the competition site and let us know. We are at capacity as far as entrants, however, if there are any drops or cancellations, please send an email. to to be placed on a first-come, first-served waiting list.
We’re back! In this episode, Gary Glass, Director of American Homebrewer’s Association is our guest this week, he talks about the advantages of joining AHA, the largest beer competition, HomeBrewCon and more! Ryan gives an update on Iron Bee, if you’re looking to volunteer, please register at the competition site and let us know. Meaderies are closing and we discuss ways consumers and mead makers can spread the word about mead such as asking to see the mead list at your favorite fine dining restaurant, and Facebook Friends, this is where we tackle some random questions people have posted in various mead groups.
Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!
If you’re looking to volunteer at the Iron Bee, please register at the competition site and let us know. We are at capacity as far as entrants, however, if there are any drops or cancellations, please send an email. to to be placed on a first-come, first-served waiting list.
In this episode, Mead House is thankful for the many guests who have appeared on our podcast, and we’ve taken a little inspiration from a few of our discussions. We hope you do too! Also, Ryan has a significant update to the Iron Bee, we’ve picked up many sponsors and have some amazing prizes and gifts, and we tackle a few questions from our Facebook Friends!
Be sure and reserve a spot for the Iron Bee! When you register, create a dummy/placeholder entry. Space is extremely limited and this will reserve your spot and prompt us to send you the secret ingredient. You must be a Keyholder club member to enter the Iron Bee. Sign up and get some great gifts! Also, check out our Sponsor’s page for the Iron Bee!
Also, check this out, Chrissie Manion-Zaerpoor’s book, The Art of Mead Tasting and Food Pairing is 50% off only $24.95 plus shipping at This is the most amazing book, filled with recipes, meads from around the world, and a great coffee table conversation piece! Get your copy today and save 50%!
Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!
In this episode, Justin Amaral, owner of Mainiacal Yeast Labs joins us for a discussion on alternative and wild fermentation. Ryan has the 411 on a great braggot recipe that is easy to make and comes with a few variables, Jeff tweaks our sweet tooth with talk about a chocolate cherry experiment he’s running.
Thanks for listening, be sure and get your episodes from iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Tune In Radio, and more! Rate us 5 stars on your favorite listening venue!
Be sure and reserve a spot for the Iron Bee! When you register, create a dummy/placeholder entry. Space is extremely limited and this will reserve your spot and prompt us to send you the secret ingredient. You must be a Keyholder club member to enter the Iron Bee. Sign up and get some great gifts!
Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!
“Transforming fruit through salt curing, smoking, lacto fermentation, acid and heat denaturing, drying, and spontaneously fermenting prior to adding them to beers has been a real game changer for me. “ – Jeff Airman from Paradox Beer Company in Divide, Colorado pays a visit to the Mead House. From wild ferments to salt cured fruit, Jeff gives his perspective on brewing not to style, but to taste.
What’s racked, what’s not, what’s cooking, the back of house report on what JD & Ryan have been up to, plus can you re-start a cyser mistakenly made with preserved apple juice? Yes, possibly, we take a couple questions from our Facebook Friends.
Be sure and reserve a spot for the Iron Bee! When you register, create a dummy/placeholder entry. Space is extremely limited and this will reserve your spot and prompt us to send you the secret ingredient. You must be a Keyholder club member to enter the Iron Bee. Sign up and get some great gifts!
Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!
In this episode, Mead House keyholder club member, Kevin McCann joins us at the bar. Kevin is an avid Mead House podcast listener, and gives us a little insight on his mead making and brewing. Kevin has also found a unique way to re-purpose spent grains from brewing in the form of doggy treats. One of his most successful projects is a cinnamon, ginger and cranberry mead. In a long episode this month, we spend additional time with our Facebook Friends discussing everything from using carob beans to impart chocolate flavors, to a kitchen sink mead.
Thanks for listening, be sure and get your episiodes from iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Tune In Radio, and more! Rate us 5 stars on your favorite listening venue!
Be sure and reserve a spot for the Iron Bee! When you register, create a dummy/placeholder entry. Space is extremely limited and this will reserve your spot and prompt us to send you the secret ingredient. You must be a Keyholder club member to enter the Iron Bee. Sign up and get some great gifts!
Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!
In this episode, Certified Spirits Specialist, Chris Trevino, joins the guys in a discussion about aromas and tastes, training your nose to recognize and pick out certain aromas. Chris also has a YouTube channel, LiquorHound with over 4 million viewers. JD sets out to make a test batch with a Bacon & Bourbon candi syrup as flavoring from our friend Jim Ladd of Cascade Beer Candi Company, and we finally get to a few Facebook friends.
Thanks for listening, and don’t forget to rate us 5 stars on your favorite listening venue! The podcast is available on iTunes, Stitcher, Tune In, Spotify and many others!
Be sure and reserve a spot for the Iron Bee! When you register, create a dummy/placeholder entry. Space is extremely limited and this will reserve your spot and prompt us to send you the secret ingredient. You must be a Keyholder club member to enter the Iron Bee. Sign up and get some great gifts!
Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!
In this episode, we welcome back for a third visit, Ash Fischbein , owner of Sap House Meadery. Ash gives us some inspiration with his barrel projects and says while there are just several bottles left, the mirepoix mead is still very much alive! Christmas is coming, we run down a few items that would make great gifts for the home brewer/mead maker.
Make sure and rate us 5 stars on your favorite listening venue!
Be sure and reserve a spot for the Iron Bee! When you register, create a dummy/placeholder entry. Space is extremely limited and this will reserve your spot and prompt us to send you the secret ingredient. You must be a Keyholder club member to enter the Iron Bee. Sign up and get some great gifts!
Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!
Welcome to the Mead House Keyholder’s Club:
Mark Pellicle
Travis Loving
Ricky Scull
John Booth
Eric Depradine
Adam Lee
Jason Elder
Nathan Steigman
James Michael
John Bates
Kevin Meintsma
Mitchell L Wood
Tom Hayosh
Kevin Wojdak
Andrew Kjos
Robert Burger
Oggie Ogden
Walter W Esterby
Nacho Slave
Frank J Osborne
Bix Benson
Douglas R Dohl
Roger Taylor
Dan Cowan
Jared Ayo
This episode is sponsored by Chrissie Zaerpoor, author of The Art of Mead Tasting and Food Pairing. A 5 star culinary journey around the world pairing good food with good mead. Get your copy today at
In this episode, Jim Ladd, owner of Cascade Beer Candi Syrup Company stops in for as visit. A unique method of adding flavors to beers, meads and cider/cysers, Jim explains how one flavor, Maple Bacon Candi Syrup is great for stouts and porters. Jim talks about how oven toasted coconut flavors seem to fade away over time, yet using a candi syrup helps hang on to the flavor over time. Ryan updates the prize list for the Iron Bee competition, and home mead maker Moises Martinez makes a visit again to update us on what he’s been up to. We finish the show with The Hopper List, a rundown of the Mead House crew’s projects.
Remember, we’ll be on hiatus for a couple weeks, we’ll be back the first week of December!
Be sure and reserve a spot for the Iron Bee! When you register, create a dummy/placeholder entry. Space is extremely limited and this will reserve your spot and prompt us to send you the secret ingredient. You must be a Keyholder club member to enter the Iron Bee. Sign up and get some great gifts!
Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!
This episode is sponsored by Chrissie Zaerpoor, author of The Art of Mead Tasting and Food Pairing. A 5 star culinary journey around the world pairing good food with good mead. Get your copy today at
In this episode, Matt Falenski, owner of Laurel Highlands Meadery in Pennsylvania stops by for a chat on home mead making and offers some tips. Jeff wonders about sanitizing and dry-hopping ingredients in session meads because of the low alcohol, and we tackle a few posts from our Facebook friends.
Be sure and reserve a spot for the Iron Bee! When you register, create a dummy/placeholder entry. Space is extremely limited and this will reserve your spot and prompt us to send you the secret ingredient. You must be a Keyholder club member to enter the Iron Bee. Sign up and get some great gifts!
Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!