Episode 84

The Mead House
The Mead House
Episode 84

In this episode, Ryan and Jeff critique JD’s H1 & H2 braggot offerings, (recipe for H1 is below), Facebook Friends, the crew tackles a few questions posted by our friends in a few facebook mead groups. In the interest in promoting mead, the introduction of mead to people who have never had it before can be an experience. How do you introduce your friends to mead? Plus –  summer is coming, and if you’re not prepared for the heat with cooling methods, then why not consider yeasts that like it hot?

Thanks to all our listeners, and don’t forget to rate us 5 stars on your favorite player, iTunes or Stitcher Radio!

H1 Braggot full recipe 8% ABV

3.15 lbs Pilsen LME

8 oz Pilsen DME

5 lbs caramelized wildflower honey (Add when temp falls below 100ºF)

Steep the following for 30 min at 155ºF in 2.5 gallons of water

8 oz Crystal 120

.75 lbs Honey Malt

2.5 oz Roasted Barley

8oz Victory malt

Hops Schedule

.5 oz Cluster hops @ 60 min

.25 oz Cascade hops @ 15 min

.25 oz Centennial hops @ 15 min

.25 oz Centennial hops @ flameout

.25 oz Cascade hops @ flameout

1.5 tsp yeast nutrient  added at the same time with honey (honey needs it!)

SAFALE 05 yeast

Ferment at 68º until it quits! Rack to secondary until it clears

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