Episode 108

The Mead House
The Mead House
Episode 108

In this episode, Mead House keyholder club member, Kevin McCann joins us at the bar. Kevin is an avid Mead House podcast listener, and gives us a little insight on his mead making and brewing. Kevin has also found a unique way to re-purpose spent grains from brewing in the form of doggy treats. One of his most successful projects is a cinnamon, ginger and cranberry mead. In a long episode this month, we spend additional time with our Facebook Friends discussing everything from using carob beans to impart chocolate flavors, to a kitchen sink mead.

Thanks for listening, be sure and get your episiodes from iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Tune In Radio, and more! Rate us 5 stars on your favorite listening venue!

Be sure and reserve a spot for the Iron Bee! When you register, create a dummy/placeholder entry. Space is extremely limited and this will reserve your spot and prompt us to send you the secret ingredient. You must be a Keyholder club member to enter the Iron Bee. Sign up and get some great gifts!

Join The Mead House Keyholder Club on Patreon to help support the show for as little as $2/month. We have some great thank you gifts for supporting us; including a limited supply of oak infusion spirals from The Barrel Mill and yeast from White Labs. Each month there is a Keyholder Club drawing for a special gift. Join The Mead House Keyholder Club and get your own set of keys to The Mead House!

Products mentioned in this episode:

Mountain Rose Herbs
Cascade Beer Candi Syrup Co.


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